The drug release from the Leuprolide acetate depot mainly depends on the hydrolysis or degradation of PLGA (Poly lactic Co Glycolic acid) polymer involving diffusion and/or erosion either from its surface or from the mass.
The initial burst also depends upon the drug structure, drug concentration, hydrophilicity, or hydrophobicity.
According to solubility and water penetration into the polymer matrix, the drug on the surface in contact with the medium releases itself.
Random splitting of PLGA reduces molecular polymer weight considerably, but there is no considerable weight loss or soluble monomer substance.
The drug is gradually released through the second level’s thicker depleted sheet.
In the matrix, the polymer hydrolyzed into soluble monomeric and oligomeric components.
It permits the passage of a drug for release by erosive and diffusive processes prior to total polymer solvation.
The drug class also significantly contributes to the aqueous process’ matrix formation.